Base @ Nullcon Security Conference
Date: Tuesday 27 February –Saturday 3 March, 2018
Location: Holiday Inn Resort – Goa, India
Base Cyber Security is excited to be present at Nullcon Goa 2018!
Base Cyber Security was present at the Nullcon GOA 2017, and after having such a great time, Base has decided to be present once again! This year’s event has again a lot to offer, with a great conference, interactive events, hacking challenges and more!
One of the better international security conferences in Asia, this year’s line up both on trainings, speakers and in general information security community spirit, is one not to be missed! And of course, location wise, Goa helps with really forgetting the world and focusing on making the most out of a great security conference!
Be sure to check out our review of Nullcon Goa 2017 below and sign up for the event!

Event Review: Base @ Nullcon Infosec Conference 2017
Date: Thursday 28th February- Saturday 4th March
Location: Goa, India
After event review
Another great Nullcon event this year – bigger, better, same high quality of topics, guest speakers and most importantly the information security community attending it! The Base Cyber Security team had some great conversations, exchanged thoughts and learned a lot on many infosec and cyber security related topics!
From the Mirai Botnet and DDoS attacks, to IoT and RFID hacking, to lots of interesting topics on bug bounties and responsible disclosures which was a hot topic (Microsoft Azure, Facebook, Google, Adobe Security) to obfuscation techniques, to fuzzing, IoT hacking with software defined radio (SDR) and GNU Radio, to machine learning put to work in cyber attacks, to hardware security, to hypervisors and the hyberplatform, to securing the cloud and application security, to ATM cracking, blockchain related security, to using containers / Docker in your security initiatives, to DevOpsSec, to privacy, and threat detection using AI; just some of the topics touched upon in the conference.
A CxO track brought great minds together – impressive line up: CISOs, Information Security Directors, VPs of Security Architecture, of Secure Software Engineering, Founders and Managing Directors of global security research and security specialist companies – all companies with a priority and mandate on information security. Through panel discussions connected everything information security with business, governance and overall our society. From local to global, from the technology and talent perspective, privacy and the future of things, sharing their experience and perspective and sharing their thoughts to great questions, challenges and statements from the security community.
Add on top of all these conversations after the presentations, in the corridors and of course outside in the gardens, pool area, and of course continued to the magnificent Goa beaches and many shacks on the beach – accompanied by a (few?!) local Goan King’s beer and delicious local indian fish based dishes.
#nullcon team working hard & finalizing things for conf; training + conf attendees continue conversations by the #Goa 🌊! Ready for moar 💪🏼 pic.twitter.com/pv0i1EPicU
— BaseCyberSecurity (@BaseCyberSec) March 2, 2017
Add a great Winja CTF and social engineering competition. And of course meeting with great communities within the community, like Infosec Girls and Infosec Ninja Girls. What else could be missing?
And then came the Nullcon party / dinner, in one of the best setting you could have, rivaling other security conference parties globally with a great security community crowd to fuel it till late and making it one of the best experience for all to even get closer and get to truly know each other.
Did we mention this was in Goa? Oh wait, yes, we did – check out the pictures!
Calling all 🌎#infosec conferences: beat this for a security conf party setup! Way to go @nullcon #raisingthebar #punintented #nullcon 💪🏼 pic.twitter.com/vXH8MpzNYc
— BaseCyberSecurity (@BaseCyberSec) March 3, 2017
All these couldn’t just happen without the hard work, dedication and great spirits of the Nullcon team, the volunteers, local and international, the security community and all the organizations supporting this! Big thanks to all! Strongly recommend to check this event out and plan it for your international information security events and outings for 2018! In the meantime, check out the sister event happening in our home turf, hardwear.io here in The Netherlands in September.
Big thanks also goes to all the security professionals we’ve met, again, or for the first time! Friends from Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Delhi, Kolkata, Ahmedabad to name a few locals, other Asia side friends from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Japan and Australia, Middle East friends, European friends from The Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, UK, US and Canadian, just to name a few places of origin – great to spend some time together, share our “war stories”, learn and grow together!
Till the next Nullcon!
Pre Event details: Base @ Nullcon Infosec Conference 2017
The Base Cyber Security team is joining the 2017 edition of Nucllcon. Are you also around? Would be great to meet up if there, so let us know!
The Nullcon conference is a unique platform for security organizations and infosec professionals to showcase their research and technology. Nullcon hosts Prototype, Exhibition, Trainings, Workshops at the conference. Joining one of biggest security conferences in Asia? Check the details at the Nullcon website here: Nullcon GOA 2017
Interactive Events
Prototype: Showcase new technology
Conference: New in-depth security research
Training: Expert and niche security trainings by world renowned trainers
Exhibition: The largest exhibit of IT security products and services
null Job Fair: null security job fair
Hacking Challenges
You consider your self to be a geek. Have the adrenalin for Hackim, Jail Break or Battle Underground. Come over! The game changes every year with the simulated version of hacking challenges at nullcon, set with the most complex and challenging scenarios. The winners gets cash prize, free access to nullcon and the party.
Base Cyber Security @ Nullcon
Base Cyber Security will be present at the trainings & conference and will be keeping you up to date via our Facebook page and our Twitter page. Be sure to follow us to stay up to date on the event! For more information and questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Attending the event? Reach out & contact us to arrange a time to catch up in person!