Base @ SecTalks Holland: 0x10 – hackers gathering
Date: Thursday 31 October 2019
Location: Venture Cafe at CIC Rotterdam – Stationsplein 45 – 3013 AK Rotterdam – The Netherlands
It’s time for our monthly SecTalks Holland, part of the international SecTalks.org technical meetups on information security! Join this monthly series of gatherings, touching on a couple of security topics each time, a short CTF & lots of infosec knowledge sharing.
Focus for this month is hackers gathering – starting with a short intro for that!
During this meetup we will talk about:
- How I solved the QR-Code challenge and did not win a prize. (A CTF Walkthrough)
- A bit about stack overflows
- A quick intro into blockchain!
Last month we looked at web hacking, so a natural follow through to hackers gathering; what it is and getting into some techniques and tools! As always, the sessions are open to all, technical or not technical background, beginner or experienced – to share thoughts, ask questions and perhaps some stories from your experience in the topics areas discussed.
On a monthly basis, during the last Thursday of each month, this is a technical security break out, continuing the SecTalk Hollands series of gatherings at Venture Cafe, as part of the global SecTalks.org initiative! SecTalks is a non-profit session for technical security talks, and hands-on security challenges! A forum to learn & discuss technical (in)security stuff.
Part of the monthly catch up is a walkthrough of the CTF from the previous session: winners from the last session of the CTF will guide us through how the solved the challenges! Do the same, and claim your CTF prizes as past winners have done (courtesy of Base Cyber Security).
See you there!