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Base Cyber Security Nullcon Conference - InfoSec Event 16

Base @ The Swedish Chamber and Young Professionals Entrepreneurs Café

Date: Thursday, 15 February 2018

Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Base Cyber Security is a key speaker at The Swedish Chamber and Young Professionals Entrepreneurs Café.

GDPR: What? Why? and How?

Join us for our first Entrepreneurs Café of 2018 to learn more about the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which is entering into force on May 25, 2018. Which are the key areas of change introduced by the GDPR and what are the critical areas organisations need to be aware of when preparing for compliance?

The new law marks a wide-reaching and significant shift in the way that organisations must protect personal data. For companies in the beginning of their process you will get a concrete presentation about how GDPR will affect your company, the implementation of the law and how the company IT structure and processes will be affected by our keynote speaker Maeson Ethard, Base Cyber Security.

About Maeson Ethard:
Maeson Ethard is co-founder and Managing Director of Base Cyber Security, a privately-owned advisory that builds information and cyber security capabilities in Europe. In addition to helping organizations maintain and deploy secure IT systems he’s a strong advocate for digital privacy. Where technology makers focus on what technology should do, he focuses on what that same technology should not be able to do

Date:  Thursday February 15, 2018
Time: 18.30 – 21.00
Venue: Swedish Chamber of Commerce
De Ruijterkade 5
1013 AA Amsterdam

Participation Fee: 25.00 Euro p.p. members Swedish Chamber of Commerce
YP members: 15.00 Euro p.p.
Non members: 35.00 Euro p.p.

Drinks and snacks will be served.

Each Entrepreneurs Café includes a Keynote Speaker and group discussions in order to learn as much as possible and to share experiences and expertise. You will go home inspired but also with a toolbox for how to further explore the topic of the Entrepreneurs Café in which you have participated.

Be sure to reach out if you’re going, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have!