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Base Cyber Security Nullcon Conference - InfoSec Event 16

Base @ U.S. Embassy Cyber Security Awareness

Date: Monday, 30 October 2017

Location: U.S. Consulate General, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Base Cyber Security joined a Cyber Security Awareness initiative organized by the U.S. Embassy & U.S. Consulate in The Netherlands as part of the panel for the discussion consisting of representatives from FBI, Palo Alto Networks , ThingLogix and Base Cyber Security.

The discussion touched both on information security as well as best practices in entrepreneurship, talent and opportunities in this area. A group of select participants from VU Areus attended and discussion, challenged the panel and ask some great questions on how cyber security affects our daily lives, business, the future and of course their future in the increasingly hyper connected world.

The U.S. Consul General opened with some welcome remarks, and the panel was moderated by the U.S. Embassy. The great participants and panel members, and moderator, the environment in the U.S. Consulate and the delicious donuts (Halloween themed!) all contributed to a successful event!

Cybersecurity and entrepreneurship event in Amsterdam – by U.S. Mission Netherlands

More than 20 students attended a panel discussion on Cybersecurity and Entrepreneurship at the U.S. Consulate in Amsterdam on Monday. The students, from the Vrije Universiteit’s School of Business and Economics in Amsterdam, participated fully in the discussion that touched on cyber threats as well as how to start businesses to deal with them.

Leading the discussions were: Dirk Husselman of ThingLogix; Maeson Ethard, senior adviser at BaseCybersecurity; Tom Welling, pre-sales engineer Global and Enterprise Accounts at Palo Alto Networks; and Adam Corry, assistant legal attaché at the U.S. Embassy in The Hague. The event was opened by Consul General David McCawley. It was organized as part of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

Panelists began by discussing some of the cyber threats faced today, as well as a few of the most high-profile incursions and theft of personal, financial, and government data. They also discussed personal and governmental steps that could be taken to address such threats, and how to protect one’s personal information.

This being a group of business students, the conversation quickly turned to entrepreneurship and how the younger generation can contribute to combating this ever-more- pervasive threat.
The panelists talked about their own personal experiences. They said that students should take advantage of what is in front of them, find their passion – and not be afraid to fail. No matter what they’re doing, however, and no matter at what level, the students were told it was important to work hard and develop a reputation for hard work and reliability: a good personal brand.

Taking advantage of what lies directly ahead means applying for that internship, even if it’s not precisely what’s in the game plan. Gain experience, broaden knowledge. While the panel did not necessarily think it was vital for the students to be masters of programming, they should know how it works. That way they can ask more intelligent questions, develop better products.

More than anything, though, the message was “be prepared for change.” The rules of the game are forever changing. The quote attributed to carmaker Henry Ford – “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses” – was
brought up. With automation, artificial intelligence, and ever-growing computer power, it is impossible to use today’s framework to predict what sort of challenges and opportunities lie in the future. And entrepreneurship means being prepared to take risks, to fail, to keep pushing.

The students were urged to be involved when it comes to cybersecurity. Participate in Democracy. Ask questions. Let your government know what you are prepared to accept. Be involved.