Cyber Security Awareness – We Have All Been Hacked; cyber security in our daily lives
Date: Thursday February 9th, 2017
Location: Stationsplein 45, 3013 AK, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Event: Cyber Security Awareness – We Have All Been Hacked; cyber security in our daily lives
In collaboration with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and the Netherlands-Canada Chamber Of Commerce, we held the Cyber Security Awareness – We Have All Been Hacked; cyber security in our daily lives event. The event was primarly about the importance of cyber security is in our lives and how Base Cyber Security shapes the market.
The event had over 100 people who were given a tour through the CIC Rotterdam to the office of Base Cyber Security. After that there was time for networking while having a drink and pizza. The presentation, which was about the current envolvement of cyber security and hacking in the daily life’s of people and how Base Cyber Security is engaging the cyber security market, was shorly after the network opportunity. After the presentation there was another moment for networking.
For more information and videos of the event, visit our Facebookpage and our Twitter page. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information! In the link below, you’ll find more pictures!